The Imagination Centre is one of the founding members of the BCI-CAN Network, a coalition of three Canadian research facilities committed to driving forward pediatric BCI research and innovation. The network shares technical and clinical expertise, collaborates on multi-centre research initiatives, and collectively trains future pediatric BCI experts through each institution’s graduate programs.
Meaningful participation for children with disabilities through BCI technology.
Partnering with users, our expert network of researchers, clinicians, and engineers advances life-enhancing, accessible BCI technology.
Alberta Children's Hospital /
University of Calgary
Led by Dr. Adam Kirton, pediatric neurologist, the BCI4Kids program is an active research and clinical team focused on advancing BCI solutions for children, similar to the programs in Edmonton and Toronto.
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital / University of Toronto
Led by Dr. Tom Chau, PhD, PEng, the PRISM BCI Lab boasts a robust research program and clinically focused program for children, similar to the programs in Edmonton and Calgary.